Week 6: The Enlightenment of Peter "From Denying to Thriving"
Ice Breaker 🧊
Tradition-Share some of the traditions you grew up with as a child or any
new traditions that you have started since becoming an adult. Traditions
help us find a sense of belonging and nurture connection to those we build
traditions with. They remind us who we are and where we have come
from. Sometimes those traditions change as we grow and become
independent. Today we will learn how Peter grew as a follower of Christ.
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Discussion Questions❓
1- What stands out to you most about the story of Peter?
2- Peter was known to be an impulsive person. Peter told Jesus he would be
with Him no matter what. (John 13:36-38) but then he ended up denying Him
three times (John 18:15-18, 25-27). And just before that, Peter cut the ear off on
of the soldiers (John 18:10) that came to arrest Jesus. Jesus put the ear back
on. (Luke 22:51). Peter was sincere in his intentions to follow Christ, so why do
you think he wavered during the time of Jesus’ arrest?
3- We see two events that helped bring change to Peter’s life. The first was
when Jesus reinstated Peter after his denial. Read John 21:15-19. Why do you
think that Jesus asked Peter if he loved him three different times? What did
Jesus tell Peter to do after he confessed love for Him?
4- The second event happened on the Day of Pentecost. Read Acts 2:1-8. What
happened in this scripture that brought power to Peter’s life?
5- The Holy Spirit empowered the believers to do what they could not do on their
own. They began to speak in a way that allowed others to understand them in their own language. What are some things the Holy Spirit can empower us to do
6- After this experience, we see Peter accomplishing many things. Discuss one
or two of the following events and see how God used Peter.
• He spoke to a large crowd and around 3,000 people came to know Christ (Acts
He and John healed a lame beggar (Acts 3:1-10).
His courage helped others know He had been with Jesus (Acts 4:13).
God used Peter’s shadow to bring healing to people (Acts 5:15).
7- Share a time when God’s power was at work in or through your life.
8- God used Peter in many ways, and in Acts 12 we see how God even broke
Peter out of prison. Read Acts 12:6-8. What did God do that allowed Peter to
walk out of prison? God wants to move our chains as well. What are some
chains that keep us from following Him?
9- We can see how God brought change thought the life of Peter. Discuss how
Peter went from...
Fearful to Faithful
Anxious to Calm
Chained to Free
Wrap Up 🎁
Share one or two thoughts or principles that you have gained from this study
that have been an encouragement to you as you continue forward in following
God’s will.