Week 3: The Attitude of Joseph "From Dreamer to Director"
Ice Breaker
Change of Perspective. Hold your pointer finger up in the air and start
moving it in a circle in clockwise direction. Watch your finger! Now slowly
while keeping your finger in a circular motion move your finger down below
your eyes. What direction is your finger moving? It should be moving in a
counter clockwise direction even though you did not change the direction
you were moving your finger. This is due to a change in perspective.
Joseph ultimately teaches us about a change in perspective as God uses
all things for our good.
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Discussion Questions
1- What stands out to you the most about the story of Joseph?
2- Read Genesis 37:5-11. Joesph is known as the dreamer. Why did his dad and
brothers have issue with these dreams?
3- Read Genesis 37:26-28. Why do you think his brothers responded the way
they did?
4- We see that his brothers responded negatively to Joseph’s dreams out of
jealousy and fear. Have we ever responded in a similar manner to the
successes or dreams of others? If so, why do you think that is?
5- The reality is that sometimes bad things happen. From Joesph we learn that
even in the midst of bad things, God honors good character. Share a time you
feel that God honored your character.
6- Throughout Joseph’s life he was enslaved, wrongly imprisoned, and forgotten.
Discuss some of the setbacks that he experienced during these times.
7- What are some of the setbacks we experience in today’s culture or that you
have experienced personally?
8- God is always with us even during our setbacks. Read the following
scriptures to see how God was with Joseph. Genesis 39: 2, 21, and 23.
9- The fact that God was with Joseph, brought him through several difficult
situation. Joseph rebounded from being sold into slavery, from being in prison,
and from being forgotten. Ultimately Joseph became second in command in all
of Egypt. Read the following scripture and discuss how Joseph was able to
keep everything in perspective. Genesis 45:4-5 and Genesis 50:19-20
Wrap Up
Share one or two thoughts or principles that you have gained from this study
that have been an encouragement to you as you continue forward in following
God’s will.